How to Effectivelly Reach Muslims?
IMI is pleased to announce that we have a two and half day training seminar coming up in early July which will be focusing on Cross-Cultural Communication with Muslims that will talk in detail to learn about how to effectively reach Muslims.
Given the upcoming influx of Muslims coming to the Gold Coast in July, it will be the perfect time to learn how to be an effective witness for Christ to them. It is not easy to reach them in their countries, but thank God, He is bringing them to us!
Speakers Include:
Daniel & Mariat Scot – Directors of IMI:- Daniel, born in Pakistan, and with first hand experience with the real Islam, has trained Christians to witness to Muslims in over 50 countries, and is an expert on the Qur’an, the Hadith, Islamic History, and Apologetics. He is an outstanding Bible Teacher.
Mariat frequently teaches on Islamic topics such as Women in Islam, Culture, and Evangelism.
John Arnold:- A retired CMS Minister, formerly a missionary in Pakistan for many years, IMI Chairman for over 12 years, and an outstanding Bible teacher, John is a keen observer of contemporary Islam and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to all who are privileged to hear him.
Farid:- Farid will be sharing his testimony as being a soldier of Allah to being a servant of Jesus Christ. Farid is originally from Afghanistan.
Nima:- Nima will be sharing his testimony also. Formerly a member of the Iranian National Basketball Squad, now serving as a Pastor in an Iranian congregation in Sydney!
Contact IMI directly on +61 7 3357 8853 or 0424 545 605 to register over the phone. Otherwise, please email us on office@imi.org.au. Read below for further details on the seminar.
Seminar Schedule:
Thursday the 11th of July 2013, 7PM to 9:30PM:-
- Why Christians need to know about Islam & Challenges Islam Presents
- Basic Beliefs of Islam: Pillars and Articles & Using Pillars and Articles as an ice-breaker
Friday the 12th of July 2013, 9:30AM to 5:00PM:-
- Brief History of Islam & Life of Muhammad
- Role of the Qur’an and Hadith in the Day to Day Life of a Muslim
- Islam in the West
- Shariah (Islamic Law) – Its Impact on Muslims and Non-Muslims
- Status of Women in Islam and Christianity & Muslim Women in Society
Saturday the 13th of July 2013, 9:30AM to 5:00PM:-
- Concept of God according to the Bible and Qur’an
- Authenticity of the Bible
- Deity of the Messiah & Jesus in the Qur’an
- Building Bridges in Evangelism Among Muslims & Prayer and Intercession
Thursday the 11th of July 2013, 7PM to 9:30PM:- Single = $25pp; Student/Pensioner = $15pp
Friday the 12th of July 2013, 9:30AM to 5:00PM:- Single = $50pp; Student/Pensioner = $30pp
Saturday the 13th of July 2013, 9:30AM to 5:00PM:- Single = $50pp; Student/Pensioner = $30pp
ALL Sessions Rate:- Single = $110pp; Student/Pensioner = $75pp
NOTE: Morning & Afternoon Tea will be provide; BYO Lunch.
Cornerstone Christian Church, 81 Mina Parade, Alderley QLD 4051, AUSTRALIA
Register By:
Monday the 8th of July 2013
Contact IMI
directly on +61 7 3357 8853 or 0424 545 605 to register over the phone. Otherwise, please email us on office@imi.org.au.LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE AND GOD BLESS!