Ibrahim Ministries International (IMI) & Christian Faith and Freedom (CFF)
We are pleased to announce the upcoming Symposium on the persecution of Christians in the 21st Century – an Analysis of global trends & the Biblical response to a confronting reality.
Speakers Include:
Elizabeth Kendal – CFF Director of Advocacy
Daniel Scot
Date: Saturday, 24 August, 2013 @ 7pm Venue: St. John’s Anglican Church 10 Greenwood Street, Wishart 4122 QLD. RSVP: Thursday, 22 August 2013 Refreshments & Fellowship at the end |
Elizabeth Kendal is a professional religious liberty monitor with 15 years experience. She is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Islam and Other Faiths at the Melbourne School of Theology. Daniel Scot has been involved in Muslim Evangelism for over 40 years and has trained thousands of believers in this field globally. He was persecuted under Blasphemy Law (295c) in Pakistan and had to flee to Australia in 1987. He had addressed UNHRC and members of House of Lords and Common and many politicians in various countries. He is the author of ‘Share the Gospel with Muslims’ & ‘Windows into the Qur’an’, which will be available for purchase at the event. |
Contact Us On: +61 7 3356 6884 or office@imi.org.au Mark The Date In Your Dairy Today! |