From the Director’s Desk
Greetings in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
This is just a brief update on our Trip to USA and in Australia.
At IMI we had a desire and agenda for a long time to set up an online course for which we had number of requests from countries where it is impossible to have any written material. We have been praying for this and finally the dream has come true. During our trip to USA from February – March 2012 we had one big achievement with the co-ordination of Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), USA. We were able to set up an online course six weeks ago on VOM website. The course is called “Introduction to Islam and Share the Gospel with Muslims”. To login to the online course, go to VOM website: www.vomclassroom.com
It is encouraging to know that hundreds of people have enrolled in this course from Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, UK, Hungary, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Netherlands, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russian Federation, Thailand, United States and Minor Outlying Islands.
We would like to encourage everyone to circulate the information about online course among your Christian friends and in your churches so that believers will be encouraged and equipped to share the Love and Compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ effectively.
Apart from setting up this course, we had very fruitful conferences in different states of the USA, which were mainly organised by VOM and another conference was organised by Bread Of Life Church in Los Angeles.
In Australia from 7 – 21 May we travelled to Melbourne and Sydney. In Melbourne we were greatly blessed by attending the ACC Missions Conference and we were able to catch up with many missionary friends and made new contacts as well. There was opportunity for us to promote books written by Daniel Scot at the conference. Many participants appreciated both books – “Share the Gospel with Muslims” and “Windows into the Qur’an”. We had other meetings with people, home groups and churches where we were able to share more personally.
Sydney meetings were with groups and individuals who are actively involved in reaching out to Muslims in Sydney. We also had important meetings with those who are concerned about Islamic propagation by the Federal Government’s publications by using taxpayers’ money.
We had a fruitful meeting with Rev. Fred Nile and his staff at his office in NSW Parliament House. As a result Daniel was invited to give detailed update at ACNA (Australia Christian Nation Association) conference about the government’s advancement of the cause of Islam in Australian Schools and other Medias. Daniel urged and encouraged the participants to stand up
for Christian Heritage in Australia. He said, “If we will not stand for Christian heritage then non-Christians will ruin our nation. Muslims are pursuing that Islam should be taught through every subject in primary and high schools and if this will happen then Australia will become like Pakistan, where Islam is taught through every subject in schools”.
Another fruitful meeting was with Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary near Camden, NSW. We shared and exchanged many thoughts about current issues, Bible prophecies and spiritual warfare.
We are very grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ and to all our brothers and sisters in Christ for standing with us in this great battlefield. We thank you for all your prayers and financial support for IMI and both of us.
For your information, we would like to let you know that IMI Training and Fellowship Night is on Saturday 2 June 2012 and will be held at St. John’s Anglican Church, Wishart QLD at 7:30 pm. Please come and bring a friend with you. The next Training and Fellowship Night will be on Friday 3 August 2012 with special keynote speaker Dr. Mark Durie. This event will be held at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 554 Vulture St., East Brisbane QLD 4169 at 7:30 pm. Please mark this in your diary and promote this event in your churches and fellowships.
As you are aware IMI is governed by a board and we would like to invite people who are interested in this ministry to prayerfully consider joining the board. For further information, please contact IMI office.
We pray God’s abundant blessings over you all as you faithfully continue to support IMI.
God bless you all
In His Service
Daniel and Mariat Scot
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