IMI News From the Director’s Desk June/July 2011
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)
Currently in Australia a process is underway to establish a new national curriculum for schools. State curriculums are being replaced by one uniform national curriculum – a process that will result in one of the greatest shifts in education delivery in the history of Australia. This process is being guided and run by the recently formed Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and follows the issuing of “The Melbourne Declaration” in December 2008.
One particular document is receiving high praise and rave reviews but it presents a biased and one might even say untruthful account of Islam and Australia is a curriculum document published and promoted by Curriculum Corporation of Australia (which is a private corporation). Learning from One Another: Bringing Muslim Perspectives into Australian Schools is being heavily promoted as an introduction to Islam syllabus for primary and secondary students but is designed to belittle Judeo-Christian heritage of Australia and entice admiration for Islam through carefully selected half-truths and untruths. The document is issued by the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies, (University of Melbourne). It is available in its PDF format at: Learning from One Another: Bringing Muslim Perspectives into Australian Schools at: http://islammonitor.org/uploads/docs/LFOA.pdf
Muslims are lobbying Federal Politicians to promote Islam under the disguise of harmony. The following books have been funded by the Federal Government:
1) Muslim Australians; 2) Constructing a Local Multifaith Network; 3) Religion, Cultural Diversity and Safeguarding Australia; 4) Media Guide: Islam & Muslims in Australia; and 5) The Australian Journey – Muslim Communities.
Muslim experts have developed Islamic material in bite size portions and presented it very eloquently to promote Islam, such as ‘Appreciating Islam’ supported by the Commonwealth Government’s Living in Harmony Initiative. Islam has been promoted through various lobby groups in Media, Politics, Judiciary and Educational Institutions.
In 1997, there was a significant two days conference in Sydney in which Muslims assessed their strategies and in conclusion targeted the following groups:
1) Aborigines; 2) Women and 3) Youth. To achieve their goals, they outlined various approaches.
In my opinion, the general public has the right to be aware of the plans and strategies being employed to achieve the Islamisation of Australia. They need to be well equipped to combat it. The best way Christians can combat it is by loving Muslims and sharing with them the message of Salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. They need to have understanding of the true nature and teaching of Islam. Also Christians need to contact members of the State and Federal Parliament of their respective areas on these issues.
From time to time, IMI organizes training sessions during the year. I encourage you to come and be equipped through these sessions. If you would like to organize such a session in your church, mission or youth group, please do not hesitate to contact IMI. One of those sessions is coming up on Saturday 16 July 2011 at Creek Road Presbyterian Church, Carina QLD at 7 pm, where I will be explaining about the impact of Islam in Australia. A flyer with more details for this session is enclosed. Another session will be on Saturday 3 September 2011 and the speaker Rev. F. Iskander, will be sharing on how Shariah – Islamic Law is creeping in Australian society. This session will be held at Cornerstone Church, 81 Mina Parade, Alderley QLD at 7 pm.
My wife Mariat and I had a very blessed and fruitful time preaching and teaching in Adelaide from the 1st to 15th June. The teaching and preaching was very well received by the believers and pastors from various churches. Hundreds of people gathered to listen and to be equipped to reach out to Muslims. We also had a wonderful time to share the Gospel with individual Muslims and other non-Christians during a Gospel outreach in Adelaide city. It was very encouraging for us to see how widely and fruitfully thousands of our tracts are being used in South Australia. Some of the key leaders of outreach are very grateful for the resources and work of IMI. We have been invited to return to Adelaide to conduct more training seminars later in 2011.
In Melbourne, we spent time working on the book ‘The Impact of Islam in Australia’, which we hope to publish in near future. We will be in Sydney from 2nd – 11th July and will value your prayer support.
As 1Peter 3:15 says: “… and always be ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”
Are you equipped well to tell others what Jesus Christ has done for you?
God bless you al
In His Service
Daniel Scot
Ibrahim Ministries International