
  1. Andree Pursey    

    I am looking for “A summary of the Qur’an” by SCOT, Daniel for the Nazarene Theological College Library in Brisbane.
    Is the book still available and what is its cost.
    Thanks for you help and time
    A. Pursey

  2. Barbara Kolar    

    Greetings in His Name, I was in California recently, happily saw and spoke with Daniel. He gave me a draft copy of Understanding Islam: Analysing the Qur’an, Hadith, and Life of Muhammed. I would like to get a few more copies to give away. I am deeply concerned about the the condition of the US from the government on down. If there is one group of people who should be actively involved in reaching out to our Muslim neighbors it is believers in Yesua, yet few are. Please pray for us here that the Lord’s command to Go and tell! will be obeyed. Thank you, love and prayers, barbara

    1. Daniel & Mariat    

      Hi Barbara,
      Greetings, Thank you for your further inquiry about the book – ‘Understanding islam’. This book is currently out of print but we have a new book published in 2011 ‘Windows into the Qur’an’ by Daniel Scot and the other book is available ‘Share the Gospel with Muslims’ by Daniel Scot and Michael Abdulhaq. these books are available from IMI office in Brisbane, Australia. Would you be interested to contact IMI office on 61 7 3357 8853 for purchase of these books.

      we will be in LA, CA from 22 March to 1 April. we have a 3 day seminar at Bread of Life Church in Torrance, CA from 23 – 25 March. you can contact that church for registration if you would be interested to attend the seminar and to meet us. we will have the books available at the seminar too.

      God bless

      Daniel and Mariat Scot

  3. Prue Williams    

    Would like to get a copy of a book on Evangelism for Islam. You had a copy of it when you were down here in Adelaide a couple of months back. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough money to buy all the books I wanted at the time. I ended up getting the ‘Windows into the Quar’n ‘… What an eye opener this book is to what we are dealing with here. A big thank you to Daniel Scot for writing this book.
    Yours sincerely,


    1. Daniel & Mariat    

      Dear Prue,
      Thank you for your inquiry about the book and for encouraging comment about the book ‘Windows into the Qur’an’. you can contact IMI office in Brisbane on 07 3357 8853 or – our office staff will be able to send you a copy of ‘Share the Gospel with Muslims’.

      thank you for your prayer and moral support for IMI.

      God bless you

      Mariat Scot

  4. Daniel & Mariat    

    Are you inquiring about books or do you have any other question. please specify.
    God bless

    IMI office

  5. Daniel & Mariat    

    you can buy Windows into the Qur’an’ from IMI office. to purchase please contact IMI office on 61 (0)7 3357 8853 or
    thank you and God bless
    Mariat Scot

  6. Linda Smith    

    Dear Mr. Scot:
    Just heard you speak at a VOM conference this weekend. Was wondering how long you will be in the US and/or do you have a schedule of other places you might be speaking? I would love for my husband to hear you. 🙂

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